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HFSS online help > Post Processing and Generating Reports >
Viewing Solution Data >
Viewing Convergence Data
For solutions with ports.
At any time during or after the solution process, you can view the maximum change in the magnitude of the S-parameters between two consecutive passes. This information is available after two or more passes are completed.
To view the maximum magnitude of delta S between passes:
In the project tree, right-click the solution setup of interest, and then click Convergence on the shortcut menu.
The Solution Data window appears. The Convergence tab is selected.
The Max. Mag. Delta S column lists the maximum magnitude of delta S from one pass to the next.
The Max. Mag. Delta S area lists the target change in magnitude of delta S and the change in magnitude of delta S between the last two solved passes.
Note |
Delta S is computed on the appropriate S-parameters - modal or terminal - after the S-parameters have been de-embedded and renormalized. |
Note |
You can renormalize mathematically, without having to re-solve, by accessing the postprocessing tab on the port definition panel and de-selecting the Deembed selection box. |
Setting the Maximum Delta S Per Pass
Technical Notes: Maximum Delta S
Ansys HFSS,Ansoft HFSS online help,Version 15.0. |
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